Friday, December 26, 2008


All this snow and cold has caused my mind to go en vacance.... to the south of France, bien sur! I was able to do a few drawings today amidst my poor little daughter - who has a miserable cold - crying, fussing and yelling throughout the morning before nap time finally arrived. My son, however was so pleased with his new trains and toys, there was a whole lot o' quiet coming from his spot in the playroom. (he's usually the loud one, I love role reversal!) Anyway, the Provence drawings were a lovely form of travel today... I'll be doing more all week. Then, the gouache will come out and I'll paint 'em all.

There's something brand new in the shop today... 'art cards' or blank greeting cards which are reproductions of 2 of my ink drawings with gouache. Take a peek!