Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mastercarve Me!

Here are a few stamps carved this week... out on the deck during a few sun breaks before school pick up time. (in other words, the precious few quiet moments of the day! :) I'll be adding a little more detail but they are kind of fun and very 'off the cuff'.
I've been walking a lot lately, trying to store up every inch of sunshine before the darkness sets in. Yesterday I noticed the beautiful colors of autumn just starting to turn and fall from the trees. I picked up Walden at the library - on CD- thought it would add to the enjoyment of the changing season. Love it! Happy almost Friday.


tangled sky studio said...

love the second one especially brenda. i am so drawn to block printing and your work is really fabulous! fall is full on here but it is the weather i most enjoy...happy thurday : )

Tess Kincaid said...

I LOVE these. They're just delightful!! (your stuffed eggplant looks pretty darn good, too)

artslice said...

Hi Beth,
Thank you! I'm loving the changing season... wish I could make it last.

Hi Willow,
Thank you so much! Your cooking at the Manor looks delicious.