I've been carving a lot the past few weeks and stayed home from yoga this morning after pre-school drop off just to stay home and print. Sweet moments of art and silence!!! (besides listening to NPR's On Point) I'll be sharing the fruits of this morning just as soon as the ink dries. (and then I can paint 'em)
It has been bitter cold around here - but there's an air inversion and therefore, a burn ban. How I'd love to sit in front of a cozy fire right now. Hope you are warm and happy where ever you are tonight.
the ballerinas are beautiful brenda! with it dropping to 14 tonight i'm glad we don't have a burn ban. i am so environmentally friendly in so many ways but the wood fire in our otherwise unheated back room is a must. looking forward to seeing your new carvings...
Thank you so much, Beth! Ug, 14 sounds bracing... we're in the 20s but all the branches are encased in white frost. Pretty. Have a great weekend :)
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