Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Get Out the China

I'm getting out the china soon and mapping out the table... probably the best part of Thanksgiving (or one of them).  Now, lets hope no one breaks a tea cup this year!!!  Have a great holiday!


Jenniffer said...

And a Happy Thanksgiving to you! I love the table-setting myself! :)

(LOVE your stack of teacups)

tangled sky studio said...

have a lovely holiday!

Nabila Widianti said...

sangat menarik sekali gan, kami tunggu updetan informasi informasi terbaru dan teranyar lainnya woke
Cara Mengobati Abrasi Kornea Secara Alami, Cara Mengeluarkan Batu Ginjal Tanpa Operasi, Cara Menyembuhkan Gatal Kutu Air Di Telapak Tangan Dan Kaki,