Friday, December 21, 2012

Black Mountain Side

Here is one of the carvings I've been working on for quite some time.  It needed to be just right as it was for a special friend of mine.  They are big fans of 'yurting' in the wilds of Montana... This is not the final cut - but my favorite version.

Were are all trying to recover from a horrible flu/cough that has been going strong for a week.  Seems to have started up at the beginning of Christmas vacation.  UG!  I have 2 large commissions to finish, many Christmas cookies to bake and decorate with the kids and of course, shopping and wrapping.  I'm going to try to rally today and take the kids for a horse carriage ride.  They've wanted to do it forever and it's time to deliver!  Maybe hot cocoa after?  How's your merry-making going?


tangled sky studio said...

The carving is beautiful and is sure to be much loved!
I hope you are all on the mend and are able to enjoy a heathy, happy and cozy holiday : )


artslice said...

Many thanks, Beth! We are recovering and getting super excited about Christmas eve... tonight :) Hope yours is magical.

abieuser said...

after reading the information turned out to be very interesting, continue continue gan
good luck
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