Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My Boy...

My boy...
My boy doing a time out at the hardware store - a real scenario, drawn from a photograph. (freshly printed woodblock)
He is so full of personality, mischief, charm and fills up a room with his presence like no one else!   I hardly remember what life was like before he came along.  So, here's yet another little homage I'd like to share with you...


tangled sky studio said...

what a gorgeous way to capture a moment.
I know it is not the same as a child 's image, but i have to tell you how much we all truly love and cherish the woodcut you created of our mischievous welsh terrier, porter, after he passed away. thank you so much for that beautiful woodcut portrait!

artslice said...

Aw, thank you Beth:)

You are welcome! Anytime. I'm so happy you all like the Porter portrait!! He was really fun and different to carve...
Happy Thursday

Unknown said...

I love this! and I think I saw the print of your "Porter"--it was lovely and I didn't even know him!

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