Sunday, November 27, 2016

Lost November

 Down the Rabbit Hole
 English Daisies drawing with colored pencil
Corgis at Christmastime

It has been awhile since I've tended to this space!  I am having a strange time trying to figure out what people read anymore... with all the social media and everything.  Does anyone read blogs anymore?!  Is facebook a thing of the past??  I'm confused and have been for some time as I bump around gathering information of my own choosing online.  It's all over the place :)   Still, I like to share my work here and all the other stuff that goes with it.

I'm getting ready for some Christmas art shows and enjoying the holiday season already...I've added my twitter link at the top right... wanting to post more about my work and hoping to reach more people.  You are the first to know!!  Please check it out and follow along if you are in the mood!
Happy almost December!


tangled sky studio said...

i'm keeping the blog but using instagram more....more images less words and when i need more words, back to the blog.


Nabila Widianti said...

Good information, thank u and please visit back my article~!
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