Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Today we said goodbye to a very dear friend far too soon.  Holly was a 37 year old mother of 4 children... ages 20 months, 5, 7 and 8 years.  She had the unlikely diagnosis of stage 4 colon cancer when her 4th child was just 6 weeks old.  She never stopped fighting and never gave up.  I will carry her memory with me always.

We just returned from a trip to my childhood home of  Sequim and also traveled  Victoria BC.  At a castle I've been visiting since probably first grade, I saw this window I'd never noticed before.  Holly.  If you are a person who prays, please pray for Holly's children, husband, Matt and their family.  Thank you :)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Random Goodness Round the House

Making our own scrapbooks...out of book board leftovers
Drying summer flowers
Painting with Ravi in the background

Snooping in son's sketchbook

Reading perch

Daughter's 'Overwriters' markers sampling
It has been so hot here... and our air conditioning has been broken for over a month.  We are experiencing the slow, stifling summer madness. Fingers crossed, the new part will be installed tomorrow.  How's your summer going?