Last night was the school Santa story time event where the school logo Christmas ornaments I made were sold... next year we'll have to start selling them around black Friday! But, we did sell a lot and it all goes to the school. Glad to be done with that project... it was a bigger one than I had imagined - but well worth it :)
The cinnamon buns are my first attempt... I'm so excited to have made a successful batch. We'll be eating them on Christmas morning. (fresh, of course:) Just a little more wrapping to do - in secret, some baking and we'll be all set. The girls in the family are making homemade lip gloss for the first time (we have some serious lip gloss users around here) just as soon as the mail man brings us the little tins! Tonight we're having a Solstice party with a big fire, pizza and chocolate chip cookie dough pie. Yum.
Have a great day and enjoy... whatever you are celebrating :)
Have done so - thanks!
Ooo, Brenda, what a yummy post! Full of all kinds of sensual goodies. Those cinnamon buns are making my mouth water. Happy New Year again :D Mary Ann xo
Hi Helen,
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Hi Mary Ann,
Yes, the buns were good, will have to make them for new years... they make everyone in the house so happy.
Brenda, if I didn't know better I would think you were quite the domestic.
By the way, who took that amazing photo?
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