Monday, September 8, 2008

'Pretty - Pretty'

That's what the evil, black witch (and Rolling Stone Keith Richard's girlfriend, Anita Pallenberg) called Jane Fonda in the movie ' Barbarella'. Love those wacky, weird 60's movies. But what is pretty anyway? I spent some time drawing and painting today. It took awhile to warm up and the later it gets, the funkier my colors get and the more androgynous the woman looks. (They say that's part of the allure of the Mona Lisa.) This is the same lady... 5 different takes. More tomorrow!


martha miller said...

Keeep going! I like the colors getting funky - see if you can push past "pretty"!

I think that pretty is a surface thing, don't you?

How we get labeled. I have three sisters and two brothers. One of my brothers once said to me that he thought of my older sister as "beautiful," me as "pretty," my younger sister as "cute," and my youngest sister as "sexy."

Great! Talk about all of us being objectified and put in a slot! I don't blame him completely - we have all been brainwashed and encouraged to do this in our shallow culture...

artslice said...

Thanks Martha. Wow, that's a whole lot of stuff for one brother to say!

Yes, pretty is totally surface... Anne Lamott says surface is kind of an illusion that people keep up to make things seem all right. ie - cleaning... counters, floors, cars, beds made up, ironed clothing, our appearence etc. If it's kept looking nice, we create an illusion that all is well and 'normal'. But there's way more to life than surface...

tangled sky studio said...

pushing past pretty...great idea for a series of paintings. brenda i like the idea of doing something over and over to get to the heart of the matter. it's almost like with each reworking she is becoming more of who she wants to be...