Friday, September 12, 2008

The Studio

I did this portrait of Georgia O'Keeffe... I thought the pose was a great one to put in my studio so she could 'watch over me'. Or sometimes I look at her and think, 'What would Georgia do?'

As mentioned earlier in the week, here is my painting studio and I also do collage here. Now that I'm looking at these photos, I realize I just need to put away all the collage stuff! It's too messy and can't believe it looks this bad. (this is after I had cleaned up a lot of stuff!)
I think this post will be a 'do-over' ... I'll clean it again in a different way and post again!

1 comment:

tangled sky studio said...

you look like a busy gal! i know the mixed media/collage stuff can instantly turn a great workspace into a sea of chaos...
i like the latest paintings and colors....the eyes are fabulous!