Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Painting and Violets

This unfinished lady is part of the Winter Madness series (must come up with a better name). She loves daffodils (or 'daffs' as the Brits say - love their sayings) and is proudly showing them off. Hoping to finish her sometime this week and make her face/skin more interesting and textured. It actually hit 70 degrees late yesterday afternoon. All these extreme temps are so very baffling. Half afraid to plant some flowers in the ground but will be brave and do it!
Gotta love these unusual violas... (I prefer to call them Violets!) Peach and purple, an unlikely combo and so beautiful!


Jeane Myers said...

the daff lady is wonderful - love your faces - am totally pulling for better weather on both sides of the mountains!

martha miller said...

don't change the name! winter madness is perfect! pretty fleurs - we're not ready for that yet...

Shann said...

thanks for the comments on my blog!
husky colors for the pansies! go huskies:)keep up the great art!