Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Telephone Lady

Velma the force clerk
Luncheon party at ?? the Spokane Club? (love the hats and shoes!)

A retirement gift, a telephone, 1956

Party at the Hall of Doges at the Davenport Hotel - Spokane, WA.


The switchboard

Here are a few snaps from a great find at an estate sale. These images are from a memory book from Pacific Northwest Bell telephone company. I won't reveal the woman's name in case any of her family may recognize these photos... but they are so fascinating, I love the era! I will probably be using some of these for inspiration in my art.


martha miller said...

Hey! That's my Mom!

Just kidding - but my Mom did work as an operator for the telephone company in the 40's!

artslice said...

Haha! :)