Thursday, October 9, 2008

Clam Island

Ahh, I've been cured of my crankiness, I finally got a chance to start 2 new larger paintings today! I sketched it from a photograph I took at my 'home beach' this summer. I haven't gotten any photos developed lately so, the rest is going to be from memory - with a few glances allowed when I'm at the computer. We'll see what happens. ..


tangled sky studio said...

hi brenda,
i really like the line of the sky in the background and i think i've mentioned before that i love the fluidity of your paintings and the water makes for a good subject. you capture movement beautifully.
last night i taught an encaustic class which was great and so i hope to finish up my peeps tonight!

artslice said...

Hi Beth -
Thanks for your comments... it's nice to hear specific feedback! How's the teaching going? Are there a lot of people in your class and are they new to art or no? Sounds like fun, wish I was learning to do encaustic too!!