Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well, I'm not one to text message (in fact - never have done it!) But, here is one of the greatest friends ever... my BFF, Miss Martha! She's got such a great face and a beautiful personality... I love drawing her. Sadly, we don't live in the same city... but I got to visit her this summer for a short little while. Of course it was like no time had passed and we had a great time chatting the night away eating and sipping wine. There's nothing like getting together with old friends... now I want to call her! (these are pencil drawings on paper - sketchbook)


martha miller said...

These are great, Brenda! She does look like she'd be fun to draw!

artslice said...

Thanks Martha! and thanks for being the first one to follow my Musings blog :)

martha miller said...

and you on mine, too!